
Receivingwhenyou'rein the office

lf you haveonlyonelinecomingintoyouroffice,follow this procedureto usethe unitas both a fax and telephone.

cYoucannotreceivedocumentswhenyouarecopyinga documentorprintinga faxreport.

rReceiving phone calls and documents automatically (FAX/TELauto switch over)

Checkto be surethatthe auro lampis on. lf

n o t , p r e s s m u n t i lt h e AUTOlampiSOn.

. Whenyour faxreceivesa call,it checks the transmission for a specialsignalcalleda callingtone (CNG)sentfrom the other party'sfax. This signalidentifiesthe call as a facsimile transmisslon.

2lf yourfaxdetectsthisCNGsignal,itwill automaticallystartto receivethedocument fromthecallingfax.

.lf your faxdoes not detect thissignal,the faxwill ring and alert you to pick up the handset.


lf the telephonerings,pick up the handset"


lf someoneis callingyou,you maytalk. -or-

Afteryou pickup the handsetand say

"Hello", nothismeans if one answers,

someoneis tryingtc sendyou a document transmissionwithoutthe CNGsignal.lf this is the case,go to the nextsteP.

. fhe CNGsignal thattriggersautomaticreceiving on your fax is always sentif the otherparty uses One-touchor Coded speed dialing. The CNGslgna/ is generatedby the maiorityof facsimilemachinesin use. However,if the otherparty picks up the handsetand dials your fax manuallyto sendyou a document,the CNGsignalis not generated. Somefacsimilemachinescannotsend the CNGsignal.


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Canon B75 manual Receivingwhenyourein the office, Lf the telephonerings,pick up the handset