How to use this instruction book

Thismanualis designedto helpyou get set up and startusingyourf€x in as shorta timeas possible.You willfindthisinstructionbookeasierto useif you read throughit in the orderthe materialis presented.


Showsyou howto set up yournewfacsimileand get readyfor operation.Thissectionstartsfrom opening the box and guidesyou stepby stepto get you ready

to usethetelephone,tax,and copier.


Followtheseinstructionsto registeryourown name andtelephonenumberin yourfax. Yourpersonalor companynameandtelephonenumberthatyou registerare printedautomaticallyon the documents thatyou send. Thisinformationis usedby the other partyto identifyyou as the sender.

GETTINGSTARTEDWITHTHE BASICS Basicsarewhatyou needto knowon the firstday you haveyourfax set up. Thissectiondescribeshowto usethe telephone,sendand receivea document, makecopies,and printan activitymanagementreport so you can startkeepinga recordof yourfax transactionsfromthefirstday. Thissectionalso describeshowto connectand usean extensionphone or answeringmachinewith the fax.


Introducesthe time-savingfeaturessuchas One{ouch speeddialingand Codedspeeddialingof registered fax numbers.Thissectionalsoshowsyou howto set up yourfaxto receiveand sendwhenyou are not in

the office.

MAINTENANCEANDTROUBLESHOOTING Showsyou howto keepthe fax and printerin good workingconditionandwhatto do if a problemoccurs.

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Canon B75 manual Gettingsetup