Using the DRPDfunction

lf thereis an answeringmachineconnectedto your facsimile,whilethe facsimileis ringing,the answering machineis connectedto the telephonecircuit.The answeringmachineoperatesnormallyby playingyour messageandthenrecordingthe verbalmessageof the caller.Whilethe answermessageis playing,if the facsimiledetectsan CNGsignal,thefacsimileenters the documentreceivingmode.

r Manualmode (both lamPsotf)

Whenboththe AUTOandANSHOOKUPlampsare turnedoffandthereis a call,the facsimilelistensto the ringpatternanddetermineswhichof the ringpatterns is receivedTALK.andthe correspondingusername arealternatelydisplayed,thenyou can executenormal

manualmode operation.


C A N O N I N C .

. lf a usernamewasregisteredfor the ringpattern,the

usernameis displayed.

. lf a usernamewas not registered,thenthe registeredtelephonenumberisdisplayed.

. lf neithera usernameor telephonenumberaredis- played,the ringpatternis displayed.

tReceivingin theremotemodeis notaffectedby the seffingsof theAUTOorANSHOOKUPlamps'

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Canon B75 manual Ta,K