
One{ouch speed dialing keys


Thesquarekeyson the rightsideof the controlpanel marked01 to 07. Facsimileor telephonenumberscan be registeredunderthesekeysand laterdialedjusl by pressing appropriatethe key. TheOne{ouchkeysalsoperformother tasksin othermodeswhenworkingwithand in othermenus. Thesefunctionsareclearlylabeledabovethe keys(SPACE CLEAR,etc.)

Whenregisteringlong-distancenumbers,you sometimes haveto inserta pauseeitherwithinor afterthe number.The locationof the pauseand pausetimedifferdependingon the system.Pausesenteredwithina numberare2 seconos long,and a pauseat the end of a numberis 10seconds.




Standstor privatebranchexchange. Seeswitchboard.

An 8-digitnumberconsistingof 0s and 1s. The lD you registermustmatchthe lD usedin the pollingnetwork.lf your pollinglD is 00000000,thenyourfax neithersendsnor receiveswhenit receivesa pollingrequest.lf the pollinglD i s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1t1h,e ny o u r f a xs e n d sa d o c u m e n et,v e ni ft h e otherparty'spollinglD doesnot match. lf you makeany othersetting,thenthe pollinglDsof thefaxesmustmatch

Whenonefacsimileunitrequestsanotherunitto senda documenl.Thisis usefulwhenthe partywiththe original documentis not in the office,but the documentmust be sent out. Otherpartiesthatwantto receivethe documentdialthe fax holdingthe originaland requestthatit be sent, Before you can usethe pollingfeature,you haveio registeryour pollinglD

regrster Whenyou registera nameor telephonenumberwiththefax, it remembersand recordsthatsettingfor suchfeaturesas One{ouchspeeddialing,Codedspeeddialing,andso on, Beforeyou registeranysuch informationwiththefax,the REGISTRATIONswitchon the sideof thefax shouldbe ON. Whenyou arefinishedregisteringinformation,thisswitch mustbe turnedOFF. Atternamesand numbersare registeredwiththefax,thefaxwillrememberthem,evenafter the poweris turnedotf andturnedon again.

regtstrationswitch TurnthisswitchON beforeyou registerinformationsuch as usernameandtelephonenumber,One{ouchnumbers,etc. Turn it OFF afterregistrationis completeto protectthe data in memory.

regulardialing Dialinga numberwiththe numerickeys. Useregulardialing to diala numberthatis not registeredfor anyof the automaticdialingmethods.

rotary-pulse A rotary-pulseor pulse dial lelephoneis dialedby manually rotatinga dialto sendpulsesto thetelephoneswitching system.Whenyou pulsedial,you willhearclicks.Withtone dialing,you willheartones.


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Canon B75 manual Giossary Oneouch speed dialing keys