Sending a document

In thissectionwe willshowyou howto senda document.

ECM sending Yourfax usesa fullyautomaticECM(errorcorrection mode)featurethat reducessystemand lineerrors whilesending.In orderto takeadvantageof ECM,you are not requiredto do anything,butthe otherfax must alsohavethe ECMfeature.

Whenthe otherfax hasthe ECMfeature,yourfax automaticallyswitchesto ECM.Whenyou aresending a documentby ECM,the displayshows:


lf the otherfax doesnot haveECM,you can stillsenda faxto it withanyof the operationsdescribedin this manual.

Evenif you senda documentwithECM,lineerrors occasionallyoccuras a resultof a bad connectionlf. you wantto turnthe ECMfeatureoff,seepage141.


. Dialingand sendingmanually

. Redialingwhenthe otherpartydoesnot answer

. Clearingdocumentjams

Feedthedocumentintotheautomatic documentfeeder(i43).



Thefax can send a document whileprinting a document that has beenreceivedin memory. Thisis called semidualaccess.

lf you are sendinga long document,you can inserta documentof up to 5 pages in the automaticdocument feeder.



P r e s s f f i

to makethe

appropriatesettingfor the document(.. 42)


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Image 66
Canon B75 manual Feedthedocumentintotheautomatic documentfeederi43, E s s f f To makethe Appropriatesettingfor the document