


Follow this procedureto registernames and numbers for One-touch dialing.

tMake surethat the REGISTRATIONswitchis ON before you anteryour telephonenumber. Turnit OFFafteryou complete registration.

Press ITTNdT-roNl.

1 . DIA] . SET UP

2 Pressts€-T-].

1 . I - T O U C H D I A I

3 PressrsET-l.

0 1 =

4Pressthesearchkeys(. ')to displaythe numberof theOne-touchkeywhereyou wantto registerthenumberfordialing.

u z =

. lf a number is alreadyregisteredunder the code you chose,the fax displaysthatnumber.

. Press feIEA_Fl to clear a previouslyregisterednumber'

Usethekeysinthetablebelowto enterthe number.

0 2 =3 I 2 2 2 8 5 7 0 0

Kevs to press @ to @

fSfl-FTTtrl fPTUS-fl]


[ T o N E l

Typesa number.

Entersa space.Spacesare optional Entersa pause,Wthin a numbera pauseequals2 sec.At the end of a number,a pauseequals10sec.( i 85) Clearsthe entirenumberso you can startagain.

E n t e r s a T f o r t o n e d i a l i n( +g3 6 )


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Image 102
Canon B75 manual RegisterinEnumbersandnamesfor One-touchdialing, Pressts€-T, Usethekeysinthetablebelowto enterthe number