Sending a document

Thefaxrecordsthedocumentintothe memory:


TheueuoRylamplightsafterthefaxrecords thedocument.

Youcanstoreupto 10letter-sizepagesin thememoryPage.sizeis basedon CCTTTNo.

1 chaftanddependson howmany documentsarealreadystoredinthememory.

. lf your documentis longerthan 1a pages,divideit and send eachpaft separately.


Do not store more than 10 pages ln the memory. lf you try to send more than 10 pages,you wlll see MEMORY FULLappear on the display, and the document will be erased from the memory. You will have to starTthe proce- dure over again.

3Thefaxdialsthefirstnumber,thenbegins sendingthedocument.

TherNusElamplightsafterthefaxdialsthe firstnumber.

Thefaxbeepsonceto showthatthe documenthasbeensuccessfullysent.After iserasedfromthe memory.

Aftersendingto morethanonelocation,the faxprintsanactivityreport.

lf anerroroccursduringsending,thefax beepsintermittentlyfor a fewsecondslf. this happens,trysendingthedocumentagain.

To cancelsending

Thefaxautomaticallyredialsifthereceiving faxdoesnotansweror ifthelineis busy.

( . 3 5 )

To cancelsendingto thecurrentdestination, presstsTotr].


To cancelsendingto alldialeddestinations, press rs-r-oPl,press FnN-c-T-TETl,then press

t E L E , A R I .

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Canon B75 manual Thefaxrecordsthedocumentintothe memory