Using the memory

Sendinga documentfrom memory

Occasionally,thefax mayfailto senda documentfrom the memorybecauseof an error.Evenafteran error the documentremainsin the memory,so you can send it directlyfromthe memorywithoutscanningit again.

. Beforeyoucanprintouta documentstoredin the memory,youhaveto knowitstransactionnumber.lf you

don'tknowthetransactionnumber,printouta memory list(.. 98)

Whenyou re-senda documentfromthe memory,you can sendit to the samedestinationwiththe previously dialednumberor to a newdestinationby dialinga new number.Bothmethodsaredescribedbelow.

r Re-sendingto the same destination

Followthis procedureto re-senda documentto the samedestinationfromthe memoryaftera transmission error.( + 141)

. ln orderto usethisfeature,thesoftwareswitchfor documenttransmissionfailure(DOCUTX. FAILURE)must beseftoKEEPlf. thisswtchis setto CLEAR,Voucannot usethisfeature.

Followthe procedureto enterthe memory mode .(r97)

1 . T X R E S R V . L I S T

Press@or the searchkeys(. >) to display the sixthselection.


3 Pressts-at.

rxlRx no.


Thenumberofthefilealreadyscannedinto thememorythatyoutriedto sendis displayed.

Thedocumenttransmissionstartsto the otherpartyyoudialedbeforetheerror occurred.


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Image 125
Canon B75 manual Sendinga documentfrom memory, Pressts-at, Followthe procedureto enterthe memory mode .r97