SettingUp the Fax

The standbymode

Whenyou seethe dateandtimein the one-linedisplay, the fax is in the standbvmode.

l 2 / 3 I / 9 3

0 9 : 4 7

lf a documentis alreadyin the documentfeederwhen you turnthe fax on, an alarmwillsoundandthe display willshow:


Removethe documentfromthe fax asfollows.

r How to removea document



whereit ismarkedfpmm andgentlypullout

the controlpaneltowardsyou untilit opens.

3Pullthe documentoutfromthe top or bottom.

4Gentlypushthe controlpanelcloseduntilit clicksshut.

. As soon as the document is removed,the fax will return to standby.

r What'sstandby?

Whenthefax is in standby,it displaysthe currentdate andtime. Thistellsyouthe fax is readyandwaitingto respondto yournextoperationor to an incomingcall.

Do not worryif the dateandtimeare not correct.We'll showyou howto setthemon Page26.

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Image 36
Canon B75 manual Standbymode