Registeringyour numberand name ftTl)


In thissectionwe willshowyou stepby stephowto registeryourown name,facsimilenumber,andthe currentdateand time in the fax.

Registrationproceduresinvolvethesethreeimportant generalsteps:

. Turningthe REGISTRATTONswitchON. Youcannot registerdatain thefax unlessthisswitchis on.

. Registeringthe databy followingthe appropriate procedure.

. Turningthe REGISTRATIONswitchOFF.

Whenyou arefollowingthe registrationprocedures hereand in othersectionsof the manual,keepthese importantpointsin mind:



lf you wantto cancelthe procedureor startover againfrom the beginning,press tSTO-tr]to returnto standby.

lf the faxtelephoneringswhileyou are registering, press fSTo-F-],and liftthe handset. lf it is a regular phonecall,go aheadandtalkto the otherparty. lf you heara beep,thismeanssomeoneis tryingto senda documenlto you by fax. Press ITTTET-iEOFfl then hangup the handsetto start receivingthe document.


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Canon B75 manual Part2 Beforeyouusethefax