
rReceivingphonecallsanddocumentsmanually (manualreception)

Check the nuro and ANSHooKup lamps.

They should both be off. lf eitherlamp is on,

pressthew-uF]keyuntil theyarebothoff.

Whenthetelephonerings,pickupthe handsetYou.maytalk.

Afteryoutalk,ifyouwantto receivea document,go to thenextstep.


lf youheara tone,thismeanssomeoneis tryingto sendyoua the nextstep.



"Hello",nothismeans if oneanswers,

someoneistryingto sendyoua document transmissionwithouttheCNGsignal.Goto thenextstep.

. The CNGsignal that triggersautomaticreceiving on your faxis alwayssentif theotherpafty usesOne-touchor Coded speeddialing. The CNGsignalis generatedby the majorityof facsimilemachinesin use. However,if the otherparty picksup the handsetand dialsyour fax manuallyto sendyou a document,the CNGsignalis not generated. Somefacsimilemachinescannotsend the CNGslona/.

4To receivethefax,presslrrrFT-7Topn.


Afterthereceiveddocumentis printed,the faxreturnsautomatically standby.

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Thefax beepsonce to tellyou thatyour documenthas been received.

lf an error occurs, the fax beeps intermittentlyfor a few seconds. lf this happens,contactthe otherpartyand requestthattheysendthe documentagain


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