Receivinq dctcuments

Settingto receive

Thereare a varietyof waysyou can set your fax to


receivedocuments.The propersettingdependson


whetheror not you useyourfax for bothfacsimileand


voicecommunication,and if thereis an answering


machineconnectedto the fax. Thefax can receive


documentsin the memorywhenprintingdocuments


fromthe memory.


FAXIEL auto swilch over(+ 56)


Setthe fax to receivebothfacsimilemessagesand


telephonecallsif you haveonlyone phonelinewhich


you usefor bothtelephoneand facsimile


communication,and you wantthe fax to monitor all


incoming calls for you.


Manualreception(+ 58)


Setthe fax to receivemanuallyif you haveonly one


phonelinewhichyou usefor bothtelephoneand


facsimilecommunication,and you wantto monitor all


incoming calls yourself.


Receivingwith an extensionphone ( + 59)


Setthe fax to answerthe phoneor receivewhen an


extensionphoneis connectedto the fax and you are


not nearthe fax.


Automaticreceiving(+ 61)


Setthe fax to receiveautomaticallywhen you havea


separatelinefor boththe facsimileand yourtelephone


and you usethe fax only for sendingand receiving




Receivingwith an answeringmachine




Setthe fax to receivephonemessageswith an


answeringmachineif you haveone connectedto the


fax,and also receivedocumentsautomatically.


Receivingin memory(.71)


lf paperor ink runsout,the fax will automaticallystore


receiveddocumentsin memoryso you can printthem




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Canon B75 manual Receivinq dctcuments