Using tha memory

Herewe willshowyou howto usethefacsimile's memory.Thefacsimilememorycanstoreup to 10 letter-sizepages.You can usememoryto store documentsfor mostsendingoperations.

. Thesizeof onepageis basedonstandardCCITTNo.1 Chart.

Withthe exceptionof manualdialing,whenyou senda document,firstyou haveto scanit intothe memory. Everytimeyou scana documentintothe memory,the fax assignsit a transactionnumber.Thistransaction numbercan be displayedor printedon reportsto help you identifya document.Laterif you wantto printout the documentor eraseit from the memorybeforeyou sendit,you haveto knowthe transactionnumber.

Therearetwo waysto identifya document's transactionnumber.

rYou can checkthe displaywhenthe documentis beingscannedintothe memory.l{ you thinkyou mightneedthetransactionnumberlater,writeit clown.

T X I R X N o .

0 0 3 7

rYou canalsoprintout a memorylistfor a copy of the transactionnumbersof alldocumentscurrentlv in the memory.(+ 98)

Aftera documentis loadedintothe memory(or if documentshavebeenreceivedin the memory)the MEMORYlampon the controlpanellights.

Afteralldocumentsin the memoryhavebeensent(or receiveddocumentshavebeenprinted),the memory lamp goes off.

Afteryoutry to senda document,if the memorylamp stayson, checkto seeif you haverun out of paper.lf the papertray is empty,loadmorepaper.( + 21).

Whenyou scana documentintothe memory,there mustbe enoughroomto holdthe entiredocument.lf the memoryfillsup whilecopyinga document,the fax erasesthe documentyou aretryingto load.To make roomfor the document,you eitherhaveto eraseor sendotherdocumentscurrentlystoredin the memory.


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Canon B75 manual I R X N o