Using the memory

Printinga transactionschedulereport

Atransactionschedulereportshowswhatdocuments are waitingto be sentfrom the memory.The informationin the reportis the sameas for a memory listexcepta transactionscheduledoesnot list documentsyou havereceivedor documentsthat containerrors.

Followtheprocedureto enterthememory mode.(.97)

PressO or thesearchkeysto selectthefirst selectionifit is notalreadydisplayed.

1 . T X R E S R V . L I S T

3 Pressfs-trT].


Thefacsimileprintsthetransactionschedule report.

. Whilethe documentis printing,the facsimilecannot receiveanotherdocumentuntilprinting hasbeen completed.

clt the memorylamp is blinking, this meansall or paft of a receiveddocumentis in the memorybut it cannotfinish printingbecausethe facsimilepaper trayis cannotpilnt a memorylistuntilafteryou haveput more paper in thepaper trayand printedthe receiveddocument in the memory"( + 21).





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4 PressrcToF-to returnto standby.


Page 122
Image 122
Canon B75 manual Printinga transactionschedulereport, Thefacsimileprintsthetransactionschedule report