One-touch dialing

9The D( MoDEis for transmissionof documentsfrom the faxto anotherfax machine.PressO if the numberyou are registering for facsimiletransmissionlf. you presso go on to the nextstep.


Press@if the numberyou areregisteringis

for dialinga regulartelephonecall.

. Thenert One-touchnumberis displayed. Repeatthis procedureto enteranothernumberand namefor One-touchdialing, orpress tSTOtrl to return to standby.

10Thedisplaywaitsforyouto enterthe transmissionsoeed.

9 60 0 b p s

.Youcansettwotransmissionspeeds;4800and9600bps. Pressthesearchkeys( < >) toalternatebetweenthese twosetflngs.Thesendingspeedin bitsper second(bps) determinesthe speedat whichdocumentsare sentover thetelephoneline.

4800 bps

Use4800bpsfor a linewitha bad connectionsuchas staticon the line.

9600 bps

Use9600bps for the lastesttransmissionspeed. lf a problemoccurs,the fax automaticallyadjuststhe speedfor the bestpossibletransmission.

11Pressl-sET-tol registerthe transmission speed.


. After 1 second the nextdisplay appears.

L o N G D T S T A N C E ( 0 )

12Pressthesearchkeys(. >) to displaythe settingyouwant(0,1,2,3).


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Canon B75 Thedisplaywaitsforyouto enterthe transmissionsoeed, Pressthesearchkeys. to displaythe settingyouwant0,1,2,3