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Connectto an answeringmachine


r Receivingwith an answeringmachineconnected

Followthis procedurewhenyou wantto leavethe fax unattendedwith your answeringmachineconnected" Thiswillallowyouto receivedocumentsautomatically and recordmessageson the answeringmachinewhen it is connectedto the middlejack on the fax.

Your callercan both leavea messageon your answeringmachineand senda documentusingonly one call. Allthey haveto do is pressthe startkey on theirown fax to senda documentafterthey finish recordingtheirmessage.

Checkandmakesurethatyouranswering machineisconnectedto themiddlejack(a).

Recorda messageon youranswering machineto informcallersthattheycanleave a voicemessageor senda documentfrom theirfaxmachine.

"Hello. l'mnot in the otficerightnow,but you can leavea messageatterthe beep. l'llreturnyour call as soonas possible.lf youwouldliketo senda fax,pressthe startkeyon yourfaxafterrecording yourmessageThank.you."

Whenyousetup yourfaxto receive messageswhenyouarenotintheoffice, followtheseimportantrecommendations:

. Whenyou record your message,leavea four second pauseat the beginning of the massage.

. Speak clearly with lrequent one second pausesin your speech.

c Keep your messageshorterthan 15 seconds.

. Sef the answeringmachine to answer on the first or second ring. (Thetoll saverfeaturecannot be used with lhls settrng.)

Beforeyouleavetheoffice,turnthe answeringmachineon.


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Canon B75 manual Beforeyouleavetheoffice,turnthe answeringmachineon