

Recording paper iam Paperjammedin the automatic documentfeeder


-Checkthatthe linebetweenthe

answeringmachineand the fax is connectedproperly(. -rt2)

. Makesurethe answeringmachineis operatingproperlywithoutthe fax connected,

. Makesurethe Jaxis setto receive automatically.TheAUTOlamp shouldbe on.

. Checkthe printertray and make sure paperis loaded.

. Checkthe MEMORYlamp. tfthe

MEMORYlampis flashing,this meanstherearedocumentsin the memorythat haveto be printed beforeyou can receiveanother document.

. l{ a documentis fed intothe fax. removerl.

. Whenyou hearthe lowtone,press

beforeyou hang uP

ISTART/COPYI the handset.

. checkthe MEMORYlamp. lf the MEMORYlamp is flashing,this meanstharearedocumentsin the memorythat haveto be printed beforeyou can receiveanother document.

. C l e a rp a p e rj a m . ( . 7 3 )

. Replacethe paper and lollow the instructionsfor the paper tay . (+ 21

Poor prinling quality nk smudoeon backo{







Thermagesyou sendaredirtyor



Shul down

Nothinoworkswiththe fax.









Cleanthe printerplaten.(. 76)

Chanoethe ink cartridqs1+. 18) Pressthe TSTART/COPYIkev. Checkthe document ( + 43)

Checkto make surethe remote{€rx haspaperinstalled.

Checkto see if the fax redialedthe remotefax .( . 50)

Clearthe documentteedjam. (+ 51)

Checkthe typeof paperloaded.

1 + 4 0 )

Cleanthe scanningglass.( + 150)

Thefax hasoverheatedand shut itselfdown. Let it cool down for a lew minutesthentry again.


Page 169
Image 169
Canon B75 manual 147