In This Docume n t
IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS............................................................. 2
Introduction .......................................................................................................... 14
What's In the C arto n?........................................................................................... 16
Front Pane l Descrip tion ....................................................................................... 17
Back Panel D escript ion ........................................................................................ 18
What Are t he Syste m Requi rements for Int ernet S ervice? ................................ 19
How Do I Subscribe to Hi gh-Speed I nternet and Tel ephone S ervic e?............. 20
Where Is the Best Loc ation f or My DOCS IS Resid ential Ga teway? ................. 22
How Do I Mount the Modem on a Wall? (O ptional)......................................... 23
What Are t he Requ irement s for Te lepho ne Service ?......................................... 26
How Do I C onne ct My Gatewa y fo r Intern et and Telep hone S ervi ce? ............ 27
How Do I Mainta in th e Battery? (Optional) ....................................................... 30
How Do I Co nfigure My DOCSIS Resident ial Gate way? ................................. 32
Configu re Wirel ess Sett ings ................................................................................ 41
Configu re Secur ity ............................................................................................... 57
Control Access to the Gateway ........................................................................... 66
Confi gure App lica tions a nd Ga ming .................................................................. 75
Manage the Gateway ........................................................................................... 81
Monitor Gateway Status ...................................................................................... 90
Frequently Asked Q uestio ns ............................................................................... 97
Tips fo r Improv ed Pe rforma nce ........................................................................ 101
Front P anel L ED St atus Indica tor Func tions .................................................... 102
Notices ................................................................................................................. 106