OL-30824-01 49
Configure W ireless Sett ings
Wireless > MAC Filter
The MAC Fi lter featu re is used to either allow or block access t o your wireles s LAN
based on the MAC Address of the wireless client devices. The MAC Filter fea ture,
also known as an access list, can be used to help protect your wireless network from
acces s by u nautho rized us ers.
Select the MAC Filter tab to open the Wireless MAC Filter p age.
Wireless MAC Filte r Page Description
Use the desc riptions a nd instru ctions in the foll owing tab le to conf igure the MA C
addres s filtering f or the wi reless network fo r your res idential gateway. After you
make you r selections, click Save Settings to apply your changes or Cancel Changes
to cancel.
Section Field Description
MAC Filter
Allows you t o Enable or Disable MAC Filtering for the residential