OL-30824-01 55
Configure W ireless Sett ings
Qualit y of Service (QoS ) ensures better service to high-priorit y typ es of net work
traff ic, whic h ma y involve de manding, rea l-time a pplicat ions, su ch as video
conferencing. QoS settings allow you to specify priorities for different types of
traffic. Lower priority traff ic will be s lowed down to allo w greater throughput or
less delay for high p riority traffic. Select the QoS tab to open the Wireles s Q oS page.
Wireless QoS Page Descr i p ti o n
Use the d escriptions and inst ructions in the f ollowing table to configure ea ch Q oS
setting. A fter you make your selec tions, clic k Save Settings to apply your changes or
Cancel Changes to cancel.
Field Descriptio n
Quality o f Serv ice
WMM Support
If WMM (Wi-Fi Multimedia) is supported by your wireless
clients, enabling this feature means that voice and multimedia
traffic will be given higher priority than other traffic. Select
the desired option:
Enable (factory defaul t)