OL-30824-01 81
Manage the G ateway
Administration > Management
The Adm inistrat ion Manage ment p age allows t he network’s administ rator t o
manage specific gateway functions for access and security. Select the Management
tab to o pen t he Adminis trat ion Ma nagement page.
Important: The following page displa ys when DHCP (factory default) is the
Connecti on Mode. The page t hat displays when Static IP is selected is shown and
described la ter in this section.
Administration Mana ge ment P a ge De s c ript ion
Use the desc riptions a nd instru ctions in the foll owing tab le to conf igure the
admini stration ma nagement for the resident ial gatewa y when DHCP or Static IP
connection mode is selected . After you mak e your selections, click Save Settings to
apply your changes o r Cancel Changes to cancel.