32 OL-30824-01
How Do I Configure My DOCSIS Residential Gateway?
To configure your res idential gat eway, you must first access the WebWizard
configurat ion pages. This section provides d etailed instructions and p rocedures for
access ing the WebWizard pages and for configu ring your resid ential gat eway to
operate c orrectly. This s ection also present s examples and descriptions of each
WebWizard configuration p age. Use the WebWizard pa ges to customize your
residential gateway t o your needs rather t han using the defaul t settings. The
WebWiza rd pa ges in this sectio n are organize d in the ord er shown on the Se tup
Important: The WebWiz ard page s and the exa mples shown in this section are for
illustration purposes only. Your pages may differ from the pages shown in this
guide. The pa ges shown in this gu ide als o represent the d efault v alues for the
Note: If you are not familiar with the network conf iguration procedures det ailed in
this sect ion, c ontact y our service provid er bef ore you attemp t to change any o f the
residential gat eway d efault s ettings.
Logging in to the Gatewa y for the First Ti m e
The defau lt configuration of the gateway uses IP address If you have
connected the gateway co rrectly and you hav e properly configu red your com puter,
use the following steps to log in to the gateway as an administrator.
1 On your PC, open the web b rowser tha t you prefer to use.