66 OL-30824-01
Control Access to the Gateway
Access Restrictions > IP Address Filtering
Use the Access Res trictions IP Filtering page t o configure IP a ddress f ilters. These
filters block a range of IP addresses from accessing the Internet.
Note: If you are not familiar with the advanced settings deta iled in this section,
contact your servic e pro vider bef ore yo u at tempt to c hange a ny of the res idential
gateway default ad vanced I P filtering settings.
Select the IP A ddress Filtering tab to op en the Access Restrictions IP Address
Filtering page. A fter you m ake your s elections, click Save Settings to apply your
changes o r Cancel Changes to cancel.
Access Restrictions > MAC Address Filtering
Use the Access Restrictions MAC Address Filtering pa ge to configure MAC address
filters. These filters permit you to allow or block a range of MAC addresses from
acces sing the Inte rnet bas ed on MAC Addr ess.
Note: If you a re not familia r with the advanced set tings detailed in this section,
contact your servic e pro vider bef ore yo u at tempt to c hange a ny of the res idential
gateway d efault adva nced IP filtering s ettings.