OL-30824-01 41
Configure W ireless Sett ings
This s ection des cribes the opt ions avai lable from the W ireless pages t hat you ca n use
to configure the paramet ers of the WAP to meet your spec ific requirements and
Wireless > Basic Settings
Setting up your resid ential gatewa y for wireless comm unication provid es you with
the freed om to connect to the Internet from any lo cation wit hin range of the WAP
without having t o use wired co nnections . Select the Basic Settings tab to open the
Wireless Basic Settings page.
The Wireless Basic Settings page allows you t o choose your wireless network mod e
and other basic features .
Wireless Netwo rk: Enable or Disable
Wireless Configurat ion: Manual or Wi-Fi Protect ed Setup (WPS )
Network Mode
Radio Band
Channel Wid th
Stand ard Cha nnel
Wireless Netwo rk Name (SSID)
Wi-Fi Protected Setu p (WPS)
When you select Wi-Fi Protec ted Setup (WPS) a s your wireless co nfiguration, many
settings will be p re-configured. WPS allo ws simp lified set up that allows you to
easily attach new WPA-enabled devic es to your network.
Important: When using WPS mod e, WEP is not supp orted. If you must u se WEP
encrypt ion, WPS mus t be d isabled by setting the Wireless Configuration t o Manual.
Note: WPS is the default setting.