74 OL-30824-01
Control Access to the Gateway
Section Field Description
Inactivity T ime
60 minutes [Factory default when a user is created. Otherwise, it is 0 (zero)].
Enter the amount of time during a user session where there is no Internet access activity,
indicating that the user is no longer online. If the inactivity timer is triggered, the user
session will be closed automatically. In order to regain Internet access, the user must log in
again with their User Name and Password.
Note: Set the Inactiv ity time value to 0 (zero) to prev ent session tim eout.
This page allows you to track, by user, any attempts made by that user to access
Internet sites t hat are res tricted. From this pa ge you ca n also view events cap tured
by the parent al control event-report ing feat ure.
Select the L ocal Log ta b to open the Acc ess Restric tions Local L og page.
The following illus tration is an exa mple of the Access Rest rictions Loca l Log page.
Section Field Description
Local Log
Parental Co ntrol - Event
Last Occurence
Displays th e time of the most recent attempt to access a
restricted Internet site
Displays the action taken b y the system
Displays the URL of the restri cted site
Displays the user wh o attempted a re stricted site
Displays the IP address of the PC that was used when
attempting to access a restricted we bsite