76 OL-30824-01
Configure Applications a nd Gaming
Section Field Description
Port Filter ing Start Po rt:
This is the beginning of the port range. Enter the beginning of the
range of port numbers (external ports) used by the server or Internet
application. Che ck with th e software documentati on of the Inter net
application for more information if necessary.
End Port:
This is the end of the port range. Enter the end of the range of port
numbers (external ports) used by the server or Internet application.
Check with the software docume ntation of the Internet application
for mor e inform ation if n ecessar y.
Select one of the follow ing protocols :
Check this box to enable filtering on the specified ports.
Applications & Gaming > Port Range Forwarding
Important: The gateway normally implements a feature called Port Tra nslation. Port
Transla tion monitors what ports are a ctua lly being used by yo ur PC s or ot her
devices on your LAN. This monitoring p rovides an added level of sec urity bey ond
what t he firewall provides. However, there a re some a pplica tions that require the
gateway to us e specific ports t o connect over t he Internet.
Use Port Range Forwardi ng to forwa rd port s from the public Int ernet to specif ic IP
address es in your local network. S elect the Port Range Forwardi ng tab to open the
Applica tions & Gaming Port Range Forwa rding pa ge.
For the Start and End Port, select a port from the recommended 49152 - 65535 range.
Keep in mind tha t ports used are p rogram specif ic so check which ones t he program
requires t o be forwarded. T ype the port number or ra nge in both boxes. In t he IP
Address box type the name of the computer’s IP address to which this is to apply.
Note: Port Range Forwarding cont inually expo ses the s elected ports to the public
Internet . T his m eans tha t the gatewa y’s f irewall is no longer act ive on t hese po rts.
The device wit h the forwarding IP address can be expos ed to hacker att acks while
the po rt range is being forwa rded.