72 OL-30824-01
Control Access to the Gateway
Section Field Description
Tod Filte r Add
Allows you to add a new Time of Day access filter or rule.
Enter the name of the filter and click the Add key to add the
filter to th e list. Time of Day ru les are used to restri ct Internet
access based on the day and time .
Removes the selected filter from the Time of Day filter list
Days to Block
Allows you t o control a ccess ba sed on days of the week
Time to B lock
Allows you t o control acce ss b ased on t ime of day
Access Restrictions > User Setup
Use the Access Res trictions Us er Setup page to set up a dditi onal a ccount s and u ser
profiles f or household mem bers. Each profile can be assigned cus tomized levels of
Internet access as defined by the access rules assigned to that user's profile.
Important: These additional accounts do not grant administrative access to the
Note: Once y ou define and enable u ser profiles, ea ch user must sign-on eac h time
they wish t o access the I nternet. T he user can sig n-on when the pop-up s ign-on
screen ap pears in their Web browser. The user mus t enter their correct user name
and pas sword in orde r to gain Internet acces s.
Select the U ser Setup tab to open t he Access Restrict ions User Set up page.