38 OL-30824-01
How Do I Configure My DOCSIS Residential Gateway?
Section Field Description
Network Add ress
Server S ettings
DHCP Server
Allows you t o enable or disable the DHCP server in the
residential gateway. The DHCP server is used to automatically
allocate IP addresses to devices as they are attached to your home
network .
Connected Devices Sum mary page Click Connected Devices Summary in the Lan Setup page. The
Connected Devices Summary page opens. This p age is a pop-up
window that disp lays the MAC Address and IP Addre ss of the
devices that are connected to the residential gateway.
Click Pre-assigned DHCP I P Addresses in the Lan Setup page.
The Pre-assigne d DHCP IP Addresses page open s. This p age
allows y ou to assign a spe cific IP addr ess to a PC or other d evice
when they request an IP address using DHCP. Only addresses
within the range of the gateway's DHCP address pool can be
reserved with this feature.
– The Add Sta tic I P button adds the Static IP address to the
list of pre-assigned IP addresses.
– The Remo ve Static IP b utton removes the Static IP
address from the l ist of pre-assig ned IP addresses
Starting IP Address
Displays th e starting address used b y the built-in DHCP server to
distribute Private LAN IP addresses. Because the device default
IP address of the ga teway is 192.168. 0.1, the starting IP address
must be or greater, but smaller than The
default Startin g IP Address is