OL-30824-01 25
How Do I Mount the Modem on a Wall? (Optional)
1 Using a drill with a 3/1 6-inch bit, d rill two holes a t the sa me height and 4 inches
apart .
Note: The p receding graphic ill ustrat es the loca tion of the mou nting holes on the
back of t he residentia l ga teway.
2 Are you mou nting the residential ga teway into a drywall or concrete surface
where a wooden s tud is available?
If yes, go to step 3 .
If no, drive the a nchor bolts into the wall, and install t he mounting s crews
into the anchor bolts; leave a gap of about 1/4-inch between the screw hea d
and the wa ll. Then, go t o step 4.
3 Install t he mounting screws into the wall; leave a gap of a bout 1/ 4-inch bet ween
the screw head and the wa ll. Then, go t o step 4.
4 Verify t hat no cables or wires are connect ed to the resident ial gatewa y.
5 Lift the res idential gateway into posit ion. Slip the large end of both mo unting
slots (loca ted in the back of the residentia l gatewa y) over the mounting screws,
and then sli de the re sidentia l gat eway down unt il the na rrow end of the key hole
slot contacts the screw shaft.
Important: Verify tha t the m ounting screws securely supp ort the resident ial
gateway before you releas e the u nit.