OL-30824-01 33
How Do I Configure My DOCSIS Residential Gateway?
2 In the a ddress fiel d, enter the following IP add ress: A Status DOCSIS
WAN login pa ge similar to the following pa ge opens.
3 On the Stat us DOCSIS WAN pa ge, leave the User Name and Pa ssword field
blank and click L og In. The gat eway opens with an Adm inistrat ion Manage ment
page in the f orefront. You can use the Administ ration Ma nagement page to
change your User Na me a nd Pas sword.
At this point you are logged into the gateway. You can select any of the setup
and ma nagement web p ages. However, you were directed t o the Administrat ion
Management t o serve a s a reminder to set up a new pass word.
Important: We highly recommend that you s et up a new p assword to sa feguard
against the possibility of Internet attacks that look for devices operating with
well-known or factory default user names and/or passwords.