OL-30824-01 87
Manage the G ateway
Admini stration diagnos tics allo w you to check t he statu s of your I nternet conne ction
by using a Ping test.
Select the Diagnostics tab t o open the Adm inistratio n Diagno stics pa ge.
Use the descript ions and ins truct ions in the f ollowing t able t o configur e the
diagnost ics featu re on the gateway. Aft er you make your selectio ns, click Save
Settings to apply your cha nges or Cancel Changes to cancel.
Field Descriptio n
Ping Test
Ping Test Parameters
Ping T arget IP
The IP address that y ou want to ping
Ping Size
The size of the packet you want to use
Number of Pings
The number of times you wish to ping the target devi ce
Ping Interval
The time period (milliseconds) between each ping
Ping Timeout
The desired time period (milliseconds) of the timeout. If no
response is received within this ping period, the ping test i s
considered a failure
Start Test
To start a test, complete the fol lowing steps.
1 Click Start Test to be gin th e te xt. A new page opens and
displays a summary of the test r esults.
2 Click the Save Setting s to save the test results or click
Cancel Changes to cancel the test.