OL-30824-01 67
Control Access to the Gateway
Select the MAC Address Filtering tab to op en the A ccess Res trictions MAC Address
Filtering page.
The Block/Pass drop down menu allows you to block or pass Internet access to the
MAC add resses of the devices y ou list in the MAC Address Fil ters table. The
following table d escribes the funct ion of the Block/Pa ss drop d own m enu. A fter yo u
make you r selections, click Save Settings to apply your changes or Cancel Changes
to cancel.
Field Name De scription
MAC Filterin g
Block Listed (Default)
Select Block Listed to de ny Internet access to the MAC
addresses of the devices you list in the table. All other
MAC addresses will be allowed Internet access.
Pass Listed
Select Pass Listed to allow Interne t access only to the
MAC addresses of the devices you list in the table. Any
MAC addresses not listed in the table will be denied
Internet access.
Function Keys
The follo wing fu nction keys a ppear on the A dvanced S ettings - MAC Address
Filtering page.
Apply Saves the values you enter into the fields without closing
the page
Add MAC Address Saves the MAC Address entered in the a ssociated text
Remove MAC Address
Removes the selected MAC address
Clear All Removes all defined MAC addresses