54 OL-30824-01
Configure Wireless Settings
Wireless > WDS Settings
The Wireless D istributio n Sys tem (WD S) Setti ngs pa ge allows you to ex pand t he
coverage of your wi reless network by deploy ing signal rep eaters. Make sure the
channel set tings are the sa me for all WDS enabled devi ces.
Select the WDS Settings tab t o open the W ireless WDS S ettings page. U se this p age
to configure the WDS settings.
Wireless WDS Settin gs Page Descr iption
Use the d escriptions and inst ructions in the f ollowing table t o configure the wireless
distribution system s ettings for you r residential gat eway. After you make you r
selections, clic k Save Settings to apply your changes or Cancel Changes to cancel.
Field Descriptio n
WDS WDS MAC Addr ess
Displays the WDS MAC Address (or BSSID ) of your gateway access point
Allow Wireless Signal To Be Repeated by a Repeater
Check t his b ox to allow a wireless client to connect to a repeater and route
traffic between the wireless client and a repeater. A maximum of 3
repeaters are allowed.
Remote Access Point's MAC Address (MAC 1 through 3)
Use the three fields (MAC 1, 2, and 3) to enter the MAC address of the