20 OL-30824-01
How Do I Subscribe to High-Speed Internet and T elephone Service?
How Do I Subscribe to High-S peed Intern et a nd Telepho ne Service?
Before you c an use your residential gateway, you need to have a high-speed Int ernet
acces s acco unt. I f you d o not ha ve a high-sp eed Internet acc ess account, you need to
set up an account with your local service provider. Choose one of the opt ions in this
sectio n.

I Do Not Have a High-Speed Internet Access Account

If you do not ha ve a high-s peed Internet acces s account, your service provider wil l
set up your account and become your Internet Servic e Provider (ISP). Internet acces s
enables you to s end and rec eive e-mail, a ccess the World Wid e Web, and receive
other Internet s ervices.
You will need to give your s ervice provider the fo llowing informat ion:
The serial num ber of the modem
The Media Access Control (MAC) address of the modem (CM MAC)
Other MAC a ddress numbers as needed
These numbers appear on a bar code la bel located on the resid ential gat eway. The
serial number consists of a series of alphanumeric chara cters preceded by S/N. The
MAC address consists of a series of alphanumeric characters preceded by CM MAC.
The following illustration shows a sample bar code label.
Write down these numbers in the sp ace provided here.
Serial Number _______________________
MAC Address ________________________