34 OL-30824-01
How Do I Configure My DOCSIS Residential Gateway?
4 On the Adminis trat ion Ma nagement page, create a Us er Name and Pa sswor d
and then clic k Save Settings. Once you save the settings for your User Nam e and
Pass word on the Adm inistratio n Mana gement page, the Set up Quic k Setup p age
Important: You have the option t o leave the passwo rd field blank (f actory
default). However, if you do not cha nge your User Name and Password, you
will be directed to the Administra tive Management page ea ch tim e you ac cess
the gatewa y. This serves as a reminder to set up your personalized password.
Once y ou have pers onalized your Password, subsequent logins will take you
directly to the S etup Qu ick Set up page.
5 After you make yo ur select ions, click Save Settings to apply you r changes or
Cancel Changes to cancel.
Setup > Quick Setup
The Setu p Quick Setup p age is t he first page to op en aft er you have logged on to
your g atewa y. You can u se the s ettings on t his p age to c hange your pass word and to
configu re the WLA N.
Important: The settings on this page are unique to your d evice. If you choose, you
do not need t o make any cha nges to the s ettings on t his p age. T hese de fault sett ings
are all t hat you need to op erate a secure wireles s network.