OL-30824-01 69
Control Access to the Gateway
Field Descriptio n
Parental Control Basic
Parental Control Activa tion
Allows you to enable or disable parental controls. To enable
parental contr ols, select the Enable Parental Control check box
and click Apply. To disable parental controls, clear the Enable
Parental Co ntrol check b ox and cli ck Apply.
Add Rule
Adds and saves a new Rule to the list of content rules
Remove Rule
Removes the selected rule from the content rule list
Keywor d List Keyword List
Allows you to create a list of k eywords. Any attempt to access a
URL that contains any of the keywords in this list will be
blocked by the gateway
Add/Remove Keyword
Allows you to add new key words to the list or to de lete
selected keywords from the list
Blocked Do main List
Blocked Do main List
Allows you to create a list of d omains tha t the gate way should
block access to. A ny attempt to access any of the Domains i n
this list will be blocked by the gateway
Add/Remove Domain
Allows you to add new domains to the list or to delete selected
domains from the list
Allowed Domain List Allowed Domain List
Allows you to create a list of d omains to whi ch the gatewa y
allows acce ss
Add/Remove A llowed Doma in
Allows you to add new domains to the list or to delete selected
domains from the list