OL-30824-01 75
Configure Applications a nd Gaming
Most well -known I nternet applic ations are sup ported by Applicat ion Layer
Gateways (ALGs). ALGs automatically adjust the gateway firewall to allow da ta to
pass without making any custom settings. We recommend that you test your
appl ication bef ore maki ng changes i n this section.
Applications & Gaming > Port Filtering
Use this window to configure transmission control protocol (TCP) and u ser
datagram protocol (UDP) port filters. These filters prevent a range of TCP/UDP
ports from access ing the Interne t. You ca n also prevent PCs from send ing outgo ing
TCP/UDP traffic to the WAN on specific IP port numbers. This filter is not IP
address- or MAC a ddress - specific. The system blocks the specified port ranges for
all PCs.
Select the Port Filtering tab t o open the Applicat ions & Gaming Port Filtering p age.
Applications a nd G a ming Port Filt e ring P a ge De s c ript ion
Use the desc riptions a nd instruc tions in the following ta ble to configure t he port
filtering for a pplications a nd gaming features u sed on your residential ga teway.
Click the Enable checkbo x t o enable por t forwa rding for t he releva nt applic ation.
After you make yo ur select ions, click Save Settings to apply your changes or Ca ncel
Changes to cancel.