96 OL-30824-01
Monitor Gateway Status
Section Field Description
MAC Address (CM MAC Address)
Displays the CM MAC Address. The CM MAC Address is a uniq ue
alphanumeric address for the cable modem coaxial interface, which is used
to connect to the CMTS at the headend. A MAC address is a hardware
address that uniquely identifies each node of a network.
Bootloader Revision
Displa ys the boot re vision code version
Current Software Revisio n
Displays the revision version of the firmware
Firmware Name
Displays the name of the firmware
Firmware Build Time
Displays the date and time the firmware was built
Cable Modem Status
Displays one of the possible current states of the g ateway
Channels 1-8
Displays the power level and the signal to noise ratio of the active
downstream channels
Channels 1-4
Displays the power level of the active upstream channels