106 OL-30824-01
Cisco a nd the Cisco logo are t rademarks or registered tradema rks of Cisco and/ or its
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at www.ci s c o. c o m /g o/t r a d e m a r k s .
DOCSI S is a registered t radema rk of Ca ble Televisio n Laborat ories, I nc.
PacketC able is a tradema rk of Cable Television Laborato ries, Inc. The Wi-Fi
Protected Setup mark is a mark of the Wi-Fi Allia nce. Wi-Fi Protec ted S etup is a
tradem ark of the Wi-Fi Allia nce.
Other t hird party tradema rks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.
The use of the w ord partne r does not impl y a partnershi p relat ionship between
Cisco and any other company. (1110R)
Publication Disclaimer
Cisco Systems, Inc. assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions that may
appe ar in this publica tion. W e reserve the ri ght to change this publ ication a t any
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invention cla imed in any existing or lat er issu ed pat ent.
The maximum performance f or wireless is derived from IEEE Standard 802.11
specifica tions. Actual performance can vary, including lower wireless network
capac ity, da ta throughpu t rat e, range and coverage. P erformance dep ends on m any
factors , conditions and variables , including d istance from the acces s point, volume of
network t raffic, bu ilding m aterials and const ruction, operating syst em used, m ix of
wireless produc ts used , interference a nd other adverse condit ions.
Software and Firmware Use
The softw are described in t his document is prot ected by copyright law and
furnished to you under a license agreement. You may only use or copy this soft ware
in accorda nce with the terms of your license agreement .
The firmware in t his equipment is protected by cop yright law. You may only use the
firmware in t he equipment in which it is provided. Any reproduction or distribution
of this firmware, or any portion of it, without our express written consent is