100 OL-30824-01
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How does the residentia l ga t e w a y connec t to my compute r?
A. The res idential gat eway connect s to the PC u sing a wireless co nnection or t he
10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet port on you r PC . If you want t o use a n Ether net
interface, Ethernet cards available from you r local PC or office s upply reta iler, or
from your service p rovider. For best performa nce over an Ethernet co nnection, your
PC should be equipped with a Gigabit Ethernet c ard.
Q. After my residentia l ga t e w a y is connect e d, how do I a c c e s s the Internet?
A. Your local service provider becomes your Int ernet Service P rovider (I SP). They
offer a wide range o f services including e-mail, chat, news, and i nformat ion services.
Your service pro vider will provide the software you will need.
Q. Can I watch TV and surf the Interne t a t the same t ime?
A. Absolut ely! If you subsc ribe to cable television service, you ca n watc h TV and
use your resident ial gatewa y at the same time by co nnecting your TV and yo ur
residential gateway to the cable netwo rk using an optional ca ble signal splitter.
Common Troubl eshooti ng Iss ues
I don't underst a nd t he front pa ne l s t a t us indicat ors
See Front Panel LED Status Indicator Functions (on p age 102), for m ore d etailed
informa tion on fr ont panel LE D statu s indicator op eration and function.
The residentia l g a teway does not regist e r a n Ethe rne t connec t ion
Verify tha t your co mput er has an Ethernet card a nd tha t the Ethernet driver
software is properly installed. If you p urchase a nd install an Ethernet card ,
follow the insta llation instruc tions very carefu lly.
Verify the status of the front panel status indicator lights.
The residentia l g a teway does not regist e r a n Ethe rne t connec t ion a f t e r c onne c t ing t o a hub
If you are connecting multiple PCs to the residential ga teway, you should f irst
connect the modem to the uplink por t of the hub using the correct c rossover c able.
The LINK LED of the hub will illuminate continuously.
The residential gateway do es not register a cable connection
The modem works with a standard 75-ohm RF coa xial cable. If you are using a
different cable, you r residentia l gateway will not funct ion p roperly. Contact you r
cable s ervice p rovider to determine whet her you are us ing the correct cable.
Your NI C ca rd or USB interface ma y be ma lfunct ioning. Refer to the
trouble shooting inform ation in t he NIC or USB docum entati on.