100 OL-30824-01
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How does the residentia l ga t e w a y connec t to my compute r?
A. The res idential gat eway connect s to the PC u sing a wireless co nnection or t he
10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet port on you r PC . If you want t o use a n Ether net
interface, Ethernet cards available from you r local PC or office s upply reta iler, or
from your service p rovider. For best performa nce over an Ethernet co nnection, your
PC should be equipped with a Gigabit Ethernet c ard.
Q. After my residentia l ga t e w a y is connect e d, how do I a c c e s s the Internet?
A. Your local service provider becomes your Int ernet Service P rovider (I SP). They
offer a wide range o f services including e-mail, chat, news, and i nformat ion services.
Your service pro vider will provide the software you will need.
Q. Can I watch TV and surf the Interne t a t the same t ime?
A. Absolut ely! If you subsc ribe to cable television service, you ca n watc h TV and
use your resident ial gatewa y at the same time by co nnecting your TV and yo ur
residential gateway to the cable netwo rk using an optional ca ble signal splitter.
I don't underst a nd t he front pa ne l s t a t us indicat ors
See Front Panel LED Status Indicator Functions (on p age 102), for m ore d etailed
informa tion on fr ont panel LE D statu s indicator op eration and function.
The residentia l g a teway does not regist e r a n Ethe rne t connec t ion
Verify tha t your co mput er has an Ethernet card a nd tha t the Ethernet driver
software is properly installed. If you p urchase a nd install an Ethernet card ,
follow the insta llation instruc tions very carefu lly.
Verify the status of the front panel status indicator lights.
The residentia l g a teway does not regist e r a n Ethe rne t connec t ion a f t e r c onne c t ing t o a hub
If you are connecting multiple PCs to the residential ga teway, you should f irst
connect the modem to the uplink por t of the hub using the correct c rossover c able.
The LINK LED of the hub will illuminate continuously.
The residential gateway do es not register a cable connection
The modem works with a standard 75-ohm RF coa xial cable. If you are using a
different cable, you r residentia l gateway will not funct ion p roperly. Contact you r
cable s ervice p rovider to determine whet her you are us ing the correct cable.
Your NI C ca rd or USB interface ma y be ma lfunct ioning. Refer to the
trouble shooting inform ation in t he NIC or USB docum entati on.