OL-30824-01 77
Configure Applications a nd Gaming
Applications a nd G a ming Port Ra nge Forw a rd P a ge De s c ript ion Use the desc riptions a nd instru ctions in the foll owing tab le to conf igure the p ort range forwarding for the residentia l gateway. Select ena ble f or each. A fter yo u make your selections, click Save Settings to apply your changes or Cancel Changes to cancel.
Field Descriptio n
Port Range F orwarding Start
For the Start port, sele ct a port from the recommended 4 9152 -
65535 range. Keep in mind that ports used are program specific
so check which ones the program requires to be forwarded.
For the End port, select a port from the recommended 49152 -
65535 range. Keep in mind that ports used are program specific
so check which ones the program requires to be forwarded.
Select one of the follow ing protocols :
IP Address
Enter th e computer’s IP address to wh ich this is to apply.
Check this box to enable port forwarding for the specifie d ports
and IP addr esses.