64 OL-30824-01
Configure Security
Section Field Description
Status This field shows the connection status for the selected tunnel. The state is either
Connected or Disco nnected.
Buttons Connect
Click this button to establish a connection for the current VPN tunnel. If you have
made an y chan ges, cl ick Sa ve Settings to first apply your changes.
Click this button to break a connection for the current VPN tunnel.
View Log
Click this button to view the VPN log, which shows details of each established
Advanced Settings
If the Key Exchange Meth od is Auto (IKE), this button p rovides access to
additional settings relati ng to IKE. Click this button if the gate way is unable to
establish a VPN tunnel to the remote gateway, and make sure the Advanced
Settings match those on the remote gateway .
Phase 1 - Operation Mode
Select the method appropriate for the remote VPN endpoint.
– Main: Main mode is slower bu t more se cure
– Aggressive: A ggressiv e mode is faste r but le ss secure
Local Identity Select the desired option to match the Remote Identity se tting at the other end
of this tunnel.
– Local IP Address: Your WAN (Internet) IP address
– Name: Your domain name
Remote Ide ntity Select the desired option to m atch the Local Identi ty settin g at the other en d of
this tunnel.
– L
ocal IP Address: WAN (Internet) IP address of the remote VPN endpoint
– Name: Domain name of the remote VPN endpoint.
Encryption This is th e Encryption alg orithm use d for the IKE SA. It must match the setting
used at the other end of the tunnel.