26 OL-30824-01
What Are the Requiremen ts f or Telephone Servi ce?
What Are the Requirement s for Telephon e Service ?

Number of Telephone Devices

The RJ-11 telepho ne-style connect ors on the residential gatew ay can ea ch provide
telephone service to m ultiple telephones, fa x machines, and analog mo dems.
The maxim um number of telephone devices connec ted to each RJ-11 port is limited
by the t otal Ringing Loa d of the telep hone devices that are connec ted. Ma ny
telephone devices are ma rked with a Ringer Equ ivalent Num ber (REN). Eac h
telephone port on the res idential gat eway ca n support up to a 5 REN load .
The su m of the REN load on all of t he telephone devices a ttached to each port mus t
not exceed 5 REN.

Telephone Device Types

You ca n use telephone d evices that are not labeled with a REN num ber, but the
maximu m number of att ached telephone devices cannot be a ccurately ca lculated.
With telephone devices tha t are not labeled, ea ch device should be c onnected and
the ring s ignal should be test ed before adding m ore devices. If too many telep hone
devices are at tached a nd the ring signal can no longer be hea rd, t elephone devices
should be removed until the ring signal works properly.
Telephones , fax machines, and other telephone devices should use the center 2 pins
of the RJ-11 connect ors to connect to the residentia l ga teway t elephone ports . Some
telephone s us e other pins on the RJ-1 1 connect ors and req uire a dapt ers in ord er t o

Dialing Requirements

All your t elephones should be set t o use DTMF dia ling. P ulse dialing is typ ically not
enabled by your loca l provider.

Telephone W iring R equi rem ents

The residentia l gateway s upports connect ing to the interior telephone wiring as well
as connect ing dire ctly t o a tel ephone or fax machine. The maximum distance from
the unit to the m ost dist ant telep hone devic e mu st not ex ceed 10 00 feet (300 meters).
Use 26 -gauge twis ted-pa ir, or la rger, telephone wiring.
Important: Connectio n to an exis ting or a new perma nently installed home
telephone wiring network mus t be done by a qualified installer.