OL-30824-01 23
How Do I Mount the Modem on a Wall? (Optional)
How Do I Mount the Modem on a Wall? (Optional)
You ca n mount the resident ial g ateway on a wal l using two wal l anchors, t wo
screws, and the mount ing slot s located on t he unit. The mod em can be mount ed
vertically o r horizontally.

Before You Begin

Before you beg in, choose an app ropriate mou nting place. The wall can be made of
cement, wood, or drywall. The mounting location should be free of obstructions on
all sides , and t he cables should be able t o easily rea ch t he residential g ateway
without s train. Leave su fficient clea rance between t he bottom of the residentia l
gatewa y and any f looring or s helving underne ath to al low ac cess t o cabling . I n
addition, leave enoug h sla ck in all cables s o that t he residentia l ga teway can be
removed for any required mai ntenance wi thout dis connecting the cab les. Also ,
verify t hat you have the following it ems:
Two wall anchors for #8 x 1-inch s crews
Two # 8 x 1-inc h pan hea d sheet metal s crews
Drill with a 3/16 -in. wood or masonry bit, a s appropriate for the wall
A copy of the wall-mo unting illustra tions shown on the following pages
Mount t he modem as shown in one of the fol lowing illu strat ions.