OL-30824-01 21
How Do I Subscribe to High-Speed Inte rnet and Telephone Service?
I Already Have an Existing High-Speed Internet Access Account
If you have a n exist ing hig h-speed Internet access account, you must give your
service p rovider the serial nu mber and the MAC a ddress of the residentia l gateway.
Refer to the serial num ber and MAC address info rmation listed previously in this
sectio n.
I Want to Use the Application Server for Telephone Service
You will also need to set up a telephone account with your local service provid er to
use your resident ial gatewa y for telephone s ervice. When you contact your servic e
provider, you may be able to transf er your existing telephone numbers , or your cab le
telephony s ervice provider will assign a new telephone number for each current or
additiona l active telephone line. Disc uss these options with your telephony service