94 OL-30824-01
Monitor Gateway Status
Status Wireless Pag e D escr i p ti o n
Use the following ta ble to review the st atus of yo ur wireless net work.
Section Field Description
MAC Address
Displays th e MAC Address of your gateway's local wireless access p oint
Radio Band
Displays one of the following radio band frequencies currently in operation:
2.4 GHz
5 GHz 2.4 and 5 GHz
Note: Not all products support the 5 GHz radio band.
Network Name (SSID)
Displays the name or service set identifier (SSID) of your wirele ss access
Channel Width
Displays the channel bandwidth setting selected on the Basic Wireless
Settings pag e
Wide Channel
Displays the Wide Channel setting selected on the Basic Wireless Settings
Standard Channel
Displays the Standard Channel setting selected on the Basic Wireless
Settings pag e
Displays th e security method used b y your wireless network
SSID Broadcast
Displays the status of the gate way's SSID Broadcast fe ature