OL-30824-01 101
Tips for Improv ed Performance
Check and Correct
If your res idential gat eway d oes not p erform a s expected, the following tip s may
help. I f you need further assis tance, co ntact you r service provider.
Verify that the p lug to you r residenti al gatewa y AC power is prop erly ins erted
into an elect rical outlet.
Verify that your reside ntial gat eway AC power cord i s not pl ugged into a n
electrical outlet t hat is cont rolled by a wall switch. If a wall switch controls the
electrical outlet, make s ure the switch is in the ON posit ion.
Verify that the ONLINE LE D statu s indicator on the front panel of your
residential gat eway is illu minated.
Verify that your cable service is active and that it supports two-way service.
Verify t hat all cables are properly connected, a nd that you are using the c orrect
Verify that your TC P/IP is p roperly installed and configu red if you are us ing the
Ethernet connection.
Verify t hat you have called your s ervice provider and given them the seria l
number and MAC addres s of your residential gat eway.
If you are using a cable signal s plitter so that you can connect t he residential
gateway to other d evices, remove the splitter and rec onnect the cables so that the
residential gateway is connected direct ly to the cable input . If the residential
gateway no w functions prop erly, the cab le signal splitt er may be defective and
may need to be replac ed.
For best perform ance over an E thernet connectio n, your P C should be equ ipped
with a Gigabit Ethernet card.