OL-30824-01 71
Control Access to the Gateway
Use the Keyword List t o enter the keywo rds you wish t o block. If any of these
keywords app ears in t he URL of a website, access to the s ite will be blocked. Note
that o nly the URL is check, not t he cont ent of each webpage.
Use the Acc ess Restrict ions Time of Day Ru les pa ge to configu re web acces s filters to
block a ll Internet tra ffic to and f rom sp ecific network d evices based on day of week
and time of day settings that you select.
Select the Tim e of Day Rul es tab to open the Access Restrictions Time of Day Rules
Page. T he following illust ration is an exam ple of the A ccess Restric tions Time of Day
Rules pa ge.
Note: The residentia l gateway u ses the network time of day clock that is managed by
your da ta service provid er. The time of day clock must be accura te and represent the
time of day in your tim e zone for this feat ure to operate properly. Verify tha t the
Stat us and Set T ime pa ges reflect the correct t ime of day . If they do not reflec t t he
correct time of da y, contact your da ta servic e pro vider. Yo u ca n a lso adj ust your
settings to ac count for the diff erence.
Access Restrictio n s Time o f Day Ru l es Page Descr i p ti o n
Use the d escriptions and inst ructions in the f ollowing table t o configure the time of
day rules for yo ur resid ential gat eway. After you make you r selections, click Save
Settings to apply your cha nges or Cancel Changes to cancel.