70 OL-30824-01
Control Access to the Gateway
Section Field Description
Override th e Password Passwor d
Allows you to create a passwor d to tem porarily ov erride user
access r estrictions to a block ed Intern et site
Re-Enter Password
Re-enter the same password for confirmation of the override
password in the previous field
Access Durat ion
Allows you to desig nate an am ount of tim e in minute s that th e
Override password will allow temporary access to a restricted
Internet site
Saves all additions, edits, and changes
To use keyword and domain blocking
Keyword and Dom ain blocking allows you to rest rict ac cess to Int ernet sit es by
blocking acces s to those sites based on a word or a text string conta ined in the U RLs
used to access t hose Internet s ites.
Domain blocking allows you to restrict access to Websites ba sed on the site's Domain
Name. The D omain Name is the port ion of the URL that precedes the familia r .COM,
.ORG, or .GOV extension.
Keyword blocking allows you to block access to I nternet sites ba sed on a Keyword
or text string being present anywhere in the URL, not just in the Dom ain Name.
Note: The D omain bloc king fe ature blocks access to any Domain in the D omain Lis t.
It will a lso block D omains, any portion of which contains an exa ct ma tch to entries in
the list.
For exa mple, if you enter example.com as a Domain, any site that contains
“examp le.com” will be blocked. Generally , you do not want to include “www.” in a
Domain Nam e since doing so limits the blocking to only the site that matches that
Domain Na me exactly. For instance, if you enter www. example.com into the lis t,
only the one site t hat matches that name exactly will be blocked . Consequent ly, if
you do not include the “www.,” then all sites wit hin and a ssociat ed with
“examp le.com” will be blocked.
Block Access to Websi tes
If you wish to block access to websites, use the Blocked Domain List or the
Keyword List
To use t he Blocked Domain List, enter the URLs or dom ain names of the websites
you wish to block.