OL-30824-01 43
Configure W ireless Sett ings
Section Field Description
WPS Setup Using Your Wi-Fi Adapter PIN (Optio n 2)
This is the most secure option to register a wireless client with the
gateway. You need the Wi-Fi Protected Setup PIN number, which is
found in the client Wi-Fi Protected Setup uti lity. Afte r enterin g the cli ent's
Wi-Fi Protected Setu p PIN nu mber, you can then conne ct to the gateway .
WPS Setup Using the Gate way PIN (Option 3)
Note the gateway's Wi-Fi Protected Setup PIN number that is displayed
on the Wi-Fi Protected Setup page. Click the Reg ister button in Option 3,
then using any Wi-Fi Protected Se tup clien t utility or Microsoft Vista,
enter the gateway's Wi-Fi Protected Setup PIN numbe r into the client
device to complete registration.
Wireless Configuration Manual Page Exam ple
Wireless Basic Settin g s Pag e D escr i p ti o n
Use the des cripti ons and inst ructio ns in the following ta ble to manua lly conf igure
the bas ic settings for wireles s communic ation for the residential gat eway. A fter you
make you r selections, click Save Settings to apply your changes or Cancel Changes
to cancel.